VCA4-DT Training Aids

19th May 2012 0 By Simon

The VCA4-DT exam has been out for a while now and whilst there still isn’t a required attendance on a course there also isn’t a great deal of training material out there for the exam.

The following material can be used to aid your study for the exam, it’s important to note that the VCA4-DT exam covers View 4.6 so in your preparation please make sure you’re evaluating View 4.6 and not View 5.0.

White Papers and Blue Print

Your first port of call should be the following VMware documentation.

VMware VCA4-DT Blue Print 1.3
VMware View 4.6 Administration Guide
VMware View 4.6 Installation Guide

Evaluation Software

Downloading the trial for View 4.6 directly from VMware currently only works if you’re already licensed for it so I have provided an alternative download location for the 4.6.0 software here.

View Composer 2.6.0-349155
View Connection Server x86-64 4.6.0-366101
View Client x86-x64 4.6.0-366101
View Client x86 4.6.0-366101.exe
View Client with local mode x86-64 4.6.0-366101
View Client for Mac – 4.6.0-366101

Additional Training Material

There are a number of additional guides out there that can be useful to help train you further in the use of VMware View 4.5 \ 4.6, the following book should be considered if you want to further your knowledge for the VCA4-DT

Administrating VMware View 4.5 – Authors Edition by Mike Laverick – I spoke with Mike at the last VMUG and asked for his permission to link the book from my site.
TrainSignal VMware View 4 Administration Training training by Brian Knudtson.


Have a look over on the VMware VCA4-DT website for links to the mock exam and community forums.

Good luck