Additional testing for Vladan – Update #2

27th April 2011 4 By Simon

Having seen Vladans Openfiler results yesterday I told him that I would re-run my tests using the same Iometer script that he used, just to make sure that the results he saw weren’t down to his hardware.

Unfortunately his results were good (or rather.. bad)

Following the testing routine he took from Maish’s website and using the script file from here I ran the following tests only.

4K; 100% Read; 0% random (Regular NTFS Workload 1)
4K; 75% Read; 0% random (Regular NTFS Workload 2)
4K; 50% Read; 0% random (Regular NTFS Workload 3)
4K; 25% Read; 0% random (Regular NTFS Workload 4)
4K; 0% Read; 0% random (Regular NTFS Workload 5)

It should be noted that each of these tests take 1 hour to perform and each test was carried out twice.

Openfiler Raid 5 NFS Results







As you can see, they aren’t a million miles away from the results that Vladan gets.








All in all some strange results.

Having spent the day doing the tests on the DSS v6 installation I can now present the results. Please note that these results are based on the unrevised test used above, new testing following Didiers suggestion (32 outstanding IO’s instead of 1) is now in progress.

** Update #1 DSS Raid 5 NFS Results







Here you can see a massive improvement over Openfiler. Further results to follow.

** Update #2 DSS Raid 5 NFS Results with 32 outstanding IO’s







The above results reflect a change to the testing carried out previously, instead of testing with a single outstanding IO I have tested with 32 outstanding IOs. The reason for the change in testing is down to recommendations from Didier and testing with a single VM on a single host. The tests were run twice to get an average score.

What we can see from this is that DSS v6 is by far a faster product where NFS is concerned and it’s my opinion and advice that for those of you requiring NFS storage from a home brew NAS\SAN device perspective to seriously give DSS a look.