Goals for 2011
31st December 2010Well folks, it’s nearly the end of 2010 and it’s been an interesting year.
I have decided that next year I have a number of goals that I want to attain, these are.
* Sit and pass my VCP vSphere 4 Exam
* Improve my VMware product knowledge (VMware View in particular)
* Produce more technical content for this site (as well as my-homelab.com)
* Move more into the VMware Virtualisation platform market and less of the Microsoft one.
* Become a recognised VMware blogger (I want my vExpert).
* Continue to improve my home lab environment.
Obviously to get some of those out of the way is going to require a lot of hardwork and dedication, hopefully I will be able to show everyone that I can do just that.
Have a great New Year and see you on the flipside.