Installing the Home Lab – Configuring Datacenters and Hosts

2nd December 2013 0 By Simon

In the previous post we installed and configured access to vCenter 5.5, it’s great that we have vCenter installed but with no datacenter or Hosts configured we aren’t going to be doing too much with our new installation so what we need to do is add a new datacenter and a host to allow us to work with the vSphere suite.

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Launch the Windows based vCenter Client

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Click Create a datacenter

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Type the name of your datacenter

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Now we are going to add our host, click Add a host

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Type in your host name or IP address followed by the credentials, click Next

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Click Yes

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Click Next

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As we are using the 60 Day eval license click Next

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I don’t want to enable Lockdown Mode just yet, click Next

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Click Next

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Click Finish

02-12-2013 12-02-27

We now have the new datacenter and host added to our vCenter installation.

In this post I showed you how to create a datacenter and add a host to it. Come back soon for some more Installing the Lab guides.