VMware View 9 Day Bootcamp

19th July 2011 1 By Simon

VMware are releasing a 9 day VMware View Bootcamp Series covering all aspects of virtual desktops.

There will be 9 videos, each video released daily starting on the 19th July.

Topics covered over the 9 days are :-

Day 1 – Design Considerations Guidelines for VMware View – Overview

  • Speaker – John Dodge, Sr. Manager PSO Services, VMware
  • Overview of the technical considerations to keep in mind while you’re designing a View environment

Day 2 – Storage Deep Dive – Considerations and Best Practices

  • Speaker – Jim Yanik, Sr. Systems Engineer, VMware
  • How to design your storage infrastructure to fit your environment
  • Sizing and workload considerations

Day 3 – Network Considerations and Best Practices

  • Speaker – Shannon McFarland; Consulting Engineer for Data Center technologies and Enterprise IPv6 design on Cisco’s Consulting Engineering team in the Office of the CTO, Cisco
  • Network requirements for LAN and WAN
  • Bandwidth requirements deep dive
  • Security considerations – Security Server, AV, Encryption, Authentication

Day 4 – Optimizing the Base Image for VMware View

  • Speaker – Todd Dayton, Staff Product Manager, Desktop Product Management, VMware
  • How to build and tune your desktop image
  • User and workload considerations
  • OS specific tips (XP, Win7)

Day 5 – Delivering Applications

  • Speaker – Heath Doer, Sr Systems Engineer, VMware
  • Packaging and updates (applink and appsync)
  • Best practices-storage, image management and application deployment
  • Application migration, application conflict and compatibility

Day 6 – PCoIP Implementation Overview and PCoIP Tuning Best Practices

  • Speaker – Chuck Hirstius, PSO, WW Advanced Services, VMware
  • How to optimize PCoIP for different types of workloads
  • How to optimize for LAN, mobile and remote users
  • Bandwidth requirements

Day 7 – Automating View 4.5 with Powershell

  • Speaker – Tom Elliot, Sr. MTS, Enterprise Desktop, VMware
  • Introduction to View PowerCLI
  • Setting up an environment and basic tasks
  • Creating your own scripts
  • Integrating with vSphere

Day 8 – Leveraging Security Server for PCoIP

  • Speaker – Mark Benson, View Architect, Enterprise Desktop, VMware
  • Introduction to Security Server

Day 9 – VMware View’s Reference Architecture

  • Speaker – Mac Binesh, Sr. Technical Marketing Manager, Enterprise Desktop, VMware
  • Review of RA for stateless desktops
  • Description of test environment, equipment and lab results