ThinApp’d vSphere Client Error – “The type initializer for ‘xr’ threw an exception”

12th July 2011 0 By Simon

I have been using the ThinApp’d version of the vSphere client that I created on my desktop PC rather than installing the thick client, it’s obviously smaller and cleaner and until recently hadn’t caused me any issues.

I was installing the Xangati OVF and decided to add the vDS (vNetwork Distributed Switch) to my homelab environment when I got this message.


At first I wasn’t sure if this was an issue with my environment so I jumped over to my thick client and tried the same thing and it worked straight away so that obviously meant an issue with the ThinApp’d version.

When I first created the ThinApp’d version of the client I tried to keep it as small as possible and that meant removing the Microsoft redistributables that came with it (J# 2.0 and .net 3.0 Framework packages) and therein lies the issue as the above error is caused by the J# 2.0 redistributable not being installed on my Windows 7 Ultimate (64bit) machine, obviously this hadn’t caused me any issues previously but something tried using the J# files when I wanted to add the vDS into my environment and that’s why it threw the exception.

No biggie because once you install the package and re launch the client the client works 100% again (I didn’t have to reboot after installation either).

You can download the 32bit client here and the 64bit client here