New VMware Certification Offerings – VMware Certified Associate (VCA)

26th August 2013 0 By Simon

One of the things that VMware hadn’t followed up was their Associate certification offerings, when they first announced the VCA4 DT exam a couple of years ago there was a hope that VMware would offer further exams but for the last couple of years they haven’t. That’s just changed Smile

VMware have just announced the availability of more VMware Certified Associate level certifications (VCA). Like the earlier VMware VCA4 DT certification there are no mandatory training course or pre-reqs for the VCA exams but there are recommended FREE on-line training courses which can be taken for the exam preparation.

There are currently 3 exams which are available now for registration with the VCA-NV exam coming soon.

Below are the VMware Certified Associate which are available:

More information about the new certification can be found on the VMware Certification page and the VMware Certfication Road Map