Goals for 2012
4th January 2012Reminding myself of the goals I had set for 2011 I discovered that I have accomplished the majority of my goals for 2011.
To recap my goals for 2011 were.
* Sit and pass my VCP vSphere 4 Exam Sat and passed my exam on the 23rd of December
* Improve my VMware product knowledge (VMware View in particular) Having installed VMware View in my homelab and played with ThinApp my knowledge of both has greatly improved.
* Produce more technical content for this site (as well as my-homelab.com) I had produced more content including a couple of videos but those were done for my-techvideos.com instead.
* Move more into the VMware Virtualisation platform market and less of the Microsoft one. I took a position with a major online gambling company in their Windows Team
* Become a recognised VMware blogger (I want my vExpert). Obviously not in the same league as other bloggers but with 22k unique visitors to my blog in 2011 I am happy with that.
* Continue to improve my home lab environment. Yes on this one, I have continued to play with various technologies including various SAN\NAS providers as well as other technologies
As you can see the goals I set in 2011 were pretty wellWhat that’s meant for me is that my goals for 2011 were both realistic and in the main, achievable. It also means that I have to improve my goals for 2012 which could be difficult.
My goals for 2012 are.
* Sit and pass my VCP vSphere 5 Exam
* Sit and pass my VCA-DT 4 Exam
* Continue to produce technical content for both this site and my-techvideos.com
* Continue to grow my VMware blogger status (I still want my vExpert), this includes attending more VMUG’s as well as VMworld 2012 this year.
* Continue to build up my home lab environment and experiment with various technologies.